AED Management Programs

1-Year AED Management Plan


E-Med provides physician oversight, written AED plans to include AED protocol guidelines, AED deployment strategies, and an AED equipment maintenance and inspection plan. Most State AED laws require that plans outline certifying, not just training, anticipated users and AED responders in CPR and AED use.

Medical Oversight:

The FDA requires physician oversight for most AED purchases and some states require a Healthcare Professional to serve as an AED Liaison to perform defibrillator event reviews after each use. We will also notify your local EMS agency as required by law.

Data Management / Tracking and Record Keeping:

Several States require documentation of inspections and maintenance. E-Med tracks the device serial number, model, location, and dates of every AED. Along with AED pads and battery expirations, we can include the tracking of your personnel’s CPR & AED training certifications. With E-Med’s web-based AED tracking and Data Management Program, it has never been easier to ensure State Law and OSHA recommended compliance and you are assured expiration dates never catch your organization off guard again.

3-Year AED Management Plan


E-Med provides physician oversight, written AED plans to include AED protocol guidelines, AED deployment strategies, and an AED equipment maintenance and inspection plan. Most State AED laws require that plans outline certifying, not just training, anticipated users and AED responders in CPR and AED use.

Medical Oversight:

The FDA requires physician oversight for most AED purchases and some states require a Healthcare Professional to serve as an AED Liaison to perform defibrillator event reviews after each use. We will also notify your local EMS agency as required by law.

Data Management / Tracking and Record Keeping:

Several States require documentation of inspections and maintenance. E-Med tracks the device serial number, model, location, and dates of every AED. Along with AED pads and battery expirations, we can include the tracking of your personnel’s CPR & AED training certifications. With E-Med’s web-based AED tracking and Data Management Program, it has never been easier to ensure State Law and OSHA recommended compliance and you are assured expiration dates never catch your organization off guard again.

5-Year AED Management Plan


E-Med provides physician oversight, written AED plans to include AED protocol guidelines, AED deployment strategies, and an AED equipment maintenance and inspection plan. Most State AED laws require that plans outline certifying, not just training, anticipated users and AED responders in CPR and AED use.

Medical Oversight:

The FDA requires physician oversight for most AED purchases and some states require a Healthcare Professional to serve as an AED Liaison to perform defibrillator event reviews after each use. We will also notify your local EMS agency as required by law.

Data Management / Tracking and Record Keeping:

Several States require documentation of inspections and maintenance. E-Med tracks the device serial number, model, location, and dates of every AED. Along with AED pads and battery expirations, we can include the tracking of your personnel’s CPR & AED training certifications. With E-Med’s web-based AED tracking and Data Management Program, it has never been easier to ensure State Law and OSHA recommended compliance and you are assured expiration dates never catch your organization off guard again.

Creating confident responders since 2005.


Contact Us

7320 Broad River Rd
Suite K-279
Irmo, SC 29063

Tel.: 803-302-7007